Tuesday 13 November 2018

10 Things require ZERO Talent But Can Still Lead To SUCCESS

We always look for talent and equate it with success. But the reality is, talent and technical skills alone is not enough. We have hired talented people and yet failed to achieve success by making poor decisions.

Here are 10 behaviors that require zero talent yet have a huge impact on our success:

  1. Being on Time - Many people have a habit of being late to meetings, work and appointments. For most people, time is money and they hate for their time to be wasted. Being on time takes zero talent and shows discipline. It gives a good first impression.
  2. Work Ethic - Cutting corners may seem like the easy way out but it always leads to dead-ends. Doing your work with honesty and dedication will take you to new heights. Take pride in the quality of the work you’re doing.
  3. Effort - Give your everything when you do something. You shouldn’t regret afterwards that you didn’t make enough effort to make things happen.Always do your best.
  4. Body Language -Your body language speaks volumes about you. Be aware of your body language and make sure it is saying the message you want to communicate.
  5. Energy (Motivation) -There can be days in which our energy levels are low, we don’t feel motivated and we don't want to get out bed. Never go my feelings. Stay focused. Focus on your goals. If you know your "Why" it will be easier to stay motivated.
  6. Attitude - A positive attitude can go a long way in a workplace. Having a positive attitude is essential to do creative work. Your attitude determines the course of your life. When you’re negative, you act as a roadblock in the path of your success.
  7. Passion- The enthusiasm you show when you are passionate about something is easily noticeable and can rub off on others. Being passionate about something also gives you the ability to endure in times when things may not be going your way.
  8. Being Coachable - Be always open to learning. You can never know everything. To increase your chances of success, you need to be a continuous learner.
  9. Doing Extra - Doing something extra will not cost you much but it will definitely add a lot to your character and make you stand above the crowd. "There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." - Roger Staubach
  10. Being Prepared - “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. Always be prepared, formulate a plan before you do something. Being prepared reduces significant amount of possibilities of failure.
Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out.

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