Tuesday 27 June 2017

Study Less Study Smart

Summary of Marty Lobdell's video

If you spend hours and hours of studying, without improving your grades, or information retention, then learn how to study smart:
  1. Designated study area
  2. Study in chunks of 25 to 30 min after that do something fun or go away. Reward yourself after finishing your entire day
  3. Study concepts firstly then study facts. Once you learn the concepts test yourself and learn actively. Our brain is good at recognizing but it's not good at recollecting so you can practice this by testing yourself and learn actively
  4. Highlight the important terms.
  5. Flush out your notes to solidify the concepts in your mind if you feeling fuzzy with something you can ask your friend who takes good notes or ask your lecturer in consultation hours
  6. Summarize by teaching what you have learned:a.      It's useful for recalling the information b.      To ensure that you understand the subject completely
  7. Use mnemonics to be good at memorizing:  (a.)      Acronyms : ROYGBIV (red orange yellow green blue indigo violet)  (b.)      Coined sayings : as you singing a poet about something you need to memorize       (c.)      Image association : to create a story in your head with what you have studied

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